There are thousands and thousands of victims. Silenced and ignored by the medical and pharmaceutical companies.
Antibiotic Toxicity
Write to everyone you can think of! Ive written to hundreds of people.. from Bayer, FDA, the Government, Oprah, Ellen, All health TV shows, Hospitals, Lawyers...SEE THE VICTIMS AND ADVOCATE RESOURCES TAB!
Write a letter detailing your experience and damages from Cipro/Levaquin, Remember to mention there are other victims and we all need help. I may be able to draft a letter that each of you can print and fill out to send.
Cut and Paste, Copy, Bombard, Chain Letter, Send Send Send.
Here is a list of emails for the media: contact all the media!
FDA: Contact the FDA
Victims Replies To This Website:
Thank you for including my film in the video portion. (VIEW UNDER VIDEO TAB)
I was a film professional who suffered a permanent disability due to 10 pills of Fluoroquinolones. My avenue for spreading the word about the dangers of fluoroquinolones was to make "Certain Adverse Events."
I understand completely the destruction of a life and I am so sorry for what you've been through. Were it not for my age when I was injured, I could very well be without a home or any means. It is criminal that these drugs are allowed to be prescribed for anything other than a life saving measure. Although, there are tens of thousands of us, if not hundreds of thousands who now know the devastating side effects of being prescribed fluoroquinolones, it is little consolation to each person who suffers the torment every day. My best wishes go out to you.
Nancy Edwards
"Certain Adverse Events"
"Hi Christopher...Your story is similiar in many ways to mine. I am a 58 year old woman who was physically active & financially secure until I took Cipro. I have grandchildren that I rode bikes, hiked, played in the creeks, hiked through large creeks to fish with & any other activities one would do with children up until a few years ago. I HAD a sign & freelance art business in my home that was very prosperous. After taking a 1000mg dose per day which was given for a mild OCCASIONAL redness around my ankles, my body began to crash. I was going to the doctor that prescribed the Cipro, begging him for help to find out what was wrong with my body. Pain everywhere like I have never known. The story behind that led me into almost a year of damages & being accused by the same doctor of having a narcotic pain pill addiction before help came. I live in a small town in Western Carolina. You would not believe the huge amount of people in this community alone that have damages. I have lost the ability to get off of my couch at times. I have used crutches for 2 years & even with their use, my mobility is limited & painful.....THANKS for making this site, Melinda"
Hi Christopher,
I read your comment on my Levaquin blog. I want to let you know how sorry I was to read that post. It was one of the worst I have read in a long while.
I really commend you on your activism on this issue. We need more floxed people to do this. Thanks very much for all your hard work and advocacy on fluoroquinolone toxicity. It is terrible so many of us have been poisoned and so many will be in the future. I hope you get some good healing soon.