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4 years after cipro:
 I suppose it is best to start from head to toe in order rather than jump all over the physical map.

Before Cipro I had perfect vision and hearing. I now suffer from tinnitus in both of my ears and I have severe floaters in both eyes, I now need reading glasses.
My teeth were always very solid and healthy - since cipro I have had 2 root canals, several cavities and chipping. My dentist has stated that he has never seen teeth as thin as mine and I am told I need either crowns or veneers. Neither I can afford.
I have TMJ in my jaw. I have a grinding/scratching feeling in the tip of my spine/skull when I turn my head back or forth, if I move it back and forth it cracks and crunches.
My collar bone clicks in the center on both sides. 
Both shoulders are very boney, sore, tired, click and crunch. 

My left arm has become very weak, Elbow is clicking and crunching, the veins have all turned very dark and no longer are used for blood tests where as before I had huge healthy veins.  
Both hands have become arthritic feeling, with no circulation, they are constantly cold. 
When I was on Cipro I had the right side of my rib cage break, along to the bottom of my sternum - this was blamed on everything other than Cipro.  - I was put into surgery and had both parts of the rib cartilage removed in a very painful surgery.
My strong spine now has 3 bulging discs, severe muscle wasting, scoliosis which has turned up my hips, creating one leg longer than the other - which put me in 300$ orthotics that only cause more pain. My spine is in constant pain.. it makes unnatural sounds non-stop - cracks, crunches, pops, snaps - its almost as if it is shattered on itself.
My back feels as if it is torn apart - the muscles feel shredded and they burn, they have nerve tingling pins and needles in patches all over the back itself. If I raise my arms I am able to feel my collar bone pop, my elbows snap, shoulders snap, and the back wing bones make a stretch, rip sound... which at any time or day tear.. from my neck to mid back that puts me in pain for a week at a time.
My sexual function and body function has altered. I have a very weak urine stream, I have very little if no libido, and sexual functions are never working correctly. My prostate got no better - worse off it has electrical nerve shock feelings that stop me in my tracks at any time of day. As if it is being electrocuted. 
Both knees have suffered patella tears - the both pop and snap every time they bend. When in bed I am unable to have my knees touch anymore due to the boney pain of them touching.
My ankles pop and snap anytime I stretch or move my foot towards a tippy toe. 
The fatigue is debilitating. If I walk up stairs, my muscles are dead tired at the top. If I look through my closet, or brush my teeth, my arms are dead tired and sore. 
I have done cleanses, removed fluoride, done yoga, gone off western medications and tried to heal naturally.
I truly believe that this medication had advance aging properties. It took away all the good cells, muscles and cartilage that should have been there until I was older. It fizzled away in 60 days of CIPRO.
My fear is that if I hurt this much at 30, I cannot fathom what 40 will be like - and the fact I will probably need joint replacements at a sickly young age. Also the fear that when my strength of youth wears off and my muscles start to actually age more.. by the age of 50, I will feel and be physically 110.
The worst part of all of this is that I LOOK FINE.. It is very hard for another person to believe that I am so disgustingly damaged physically and in such a tremendous amount of pain and fatigue... pain that spans to 30 different parts of my body that stops my mind from concentrating on my own life around me. 
Doctors end the diagnosis at Fibromyalgia and start piling on new medications.. I do not have fibromyalgia - I have a severely damaged body from a very strong antibiotic. 
Over the past 4 years I have been put through 100s of tests, my medical documents are 2 feet high. I noted every single appt, med and so forth.
As of today - I am not better - I am just living with it better. But its always something.
Most recently is a  2 inch mass found on my thyroid.. I have Hyperthyroidism and possible diabetes...

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